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Mi foto
My name’s Laura Rincon, I live in Cornella. I’m 14 years old.I like watching TV my favourite programme is “Fisica o Quimica”. I go to school from 8.15 to 13.45 and 15.15 to 5.15. After school I usually I go to my friends and do my homework. At the weekends I go to the square with my friends.During the holidays I go to Tarragona with my family.

lunes, 12 de enero de 2009

Do the maths

I took this picture from The Sunday Times and link. on January 11th, 2009.
This is a picture of an room.
Its in Cambridge.
The people in the picture are speaking and happy.
The people in the picture are interesing and relaxed.
They are sociable because speaking all together and happy also.
As you can see, there is a happy persons with entret, a big computer, and a 6 persons.
I like it the picture.

Experts say we’re getting worse at maths and science. But now we have shiny new labs and cutting-edge teaching methods, were we really better off in the past? John Cornwell joins two leading scientists at their former schools to find out. Five out of six applicants I interviewed recently for Cambridge entrance for engineering couldn’t do a simple maths calculation: two to the power of 10.” The tense, fast-talking professor has been complaining like this since we left Cambridge for Birmingham. “That’s why,” he goes on, “students doing university science and engineering spend their first and even second years catching up on the maths my generation did at school.”

9 comentarios:

Abhishek dijo...

Hello :)

Abhishek dijo...

Hello :)

Abhishek dijo...

Hello :)

LauRaaa's place dijo...

HellO Lauraaa!! your blog is like Agusti's example. Are very good, and the image is funny

Miriaaam dijo...

Your coment of picture and new are like Agusti's example.
The summary is correct and interesting!


Anónimo dijo...

Hello Lauraa!! Is very good, your blog is like Agusti's example, the image are funny

byee :)

ByLaura dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
sergio dijo...


The news is clear and the picture ist´s funny.

Your blog like agusti example.


lorena dijo...

Your resum is like Agusti's example.
The summary is complete and interesting.
