Datos personales

Mi foto
My name’s Laura Rincon, I live in Cornella. I’m 14 years old.I like watching TV my favourite programme is “Fisica o Quimica”. I go to school from 8.15 to 13.45 and 15.15 to 5.15. After school I usually I go to my friends and do my homework. At the weekends I go to the square with my friends.During the holidays I go to Tarragona with my family.

lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2008

This is a picture of Port Aventura. It's in
Tarragona. I went there summer with friends. As you can see, there is a big attraction with long circuit and a many attractions.

I like because is very enterteining park and is entertained enough.I advise to go this park.

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